Saturday, April 30, 2005

Running day 3

I wasn't able to run last night like I originally planned. I forgot that we had a play to attend at Rose State. I made up for it though by going out this afternoon.

It was definitely an interesting time. I took Gracie our 2 year old Weimaraner with me to see if she would be a good running partner. She did really well, except for when we saw squirrels and I had to focus on restraining her and keeping to the trail. My goal today was 4x1 minute reps and 2x2 minute reps of light jogging within a 15-20 minute period and a 5 minute warm up and cool down. I guess I kind of made my goal. The 1 minute reps turned into 1 1/2 minute reps (Gracie Racy got excited about running and I had a tough time slowing her down), and on my 2nd 2 minute rep I only made to 1 1/2 minutes (Gracie tuckered me out!).

All in all it was fun running with Gracie, but I think I will wait until my endurance level is a little bit better before I take her out for more than just a walk again. Tomorrow is a longer work out routine but low impact. I think I may go out to Lake Hefner to walk or maybe bike. Until then I hope ya'll have a nice day!


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